1) Get in touch
Get in touch using our contact form or email us by at [email protected].
2) Join us
We are currently mainly based in London, and meet on the first Thursday of the month, alternating between Kentish Town and Brixton. All are welcome at our meetings, if you’re interested in attending and would like to get clued in or want to get involved in another way, email us! We can also offer reimbursements for childcare and travel costs if those would prevent you from coming to a meeting.
Our group is directed by the collective decisions made by all members of the group, meaning that we’re driven by the ideas and passions of everyone. We aim to minimise hierarchies in our organising and don’t have leader figures.
3) Share your story
One of the first steps towards exposing the Great Fuel Robbery is speaking out, venting anger, sharing experiences and offering practical tips about ways you’ve found to get by. Share your story now.
4) Stay in touch
Fuel Poverty Action organises information meetings, coffee mornings, protests and much more. If you’d like to get a weekly update about what we’re doing, sign up for our newsletter back on the home page.
5) Donate!
We are a small group always in need of help to cover the costs of our campaigning. Can you chip in? A small monthly or one-off donation makes a difference.
Name: Fuel Poverty Action
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65615456